The Best Gaming Events of 2020 - GUNNAR

The Best Gaming Events of 2020

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a man in the audience of a gaming event

As a video game lover, you want to stay in the know. Keeping up to date on all of the best gaming events, however, doesn’t always come easy. You have to keep a sharp eye, scour the internet, follow many pages, and even then you might miss one. Never fear! As always, GUNNAR’s got your back. We did the research so you don’t have to. Today we share with you our list of the top 3 video game events so far for 2020. Always check back for updates as the year progresses, but for now, here’s what you need to know.


Unless you live under a rock, you probably know a thing or two about E3. E3 is the mother of all gaming events! E3 always offers the biggest, most innovative, and most talked about gaming event every year. So far, 2020’s event details remain sparse. Announcements should ramp up as the date grows closer. That date, by the way, is June 9-11th in Los Angeles. If you want some idea of how 2020 might go, be sure to check out the website for their 2019 event. To keep updated on the event in the coming months, check back to the official 2020 website, and sign up for the email list.

entrance at the blizzcon gaming event


You might have seen our reporting on Blizzcon before. For this year, we had to do a little digging to get info. No official announcements about 2020 0n the Blizzcon official website have been made. A thread on the fan forum for the website has some discussion of possible dates, but nothing conclusive. One blog lists the event at November 6-7th. These dates make sense given that the event historically takes place on the first complete weekend of the month. For now, however, we recommend waiting for more information. Needless to say, however, we can’t wait for Blizzcon! Last year was amazing, and we can’t wait to see what this year will bring.

Esports Major Events

There are far too many esports events we’re stoked for to list them all. Instead of naming just one or two, we’re going to direct you to a whole bunch to get pumped about. There’s Fortnite World Cup, League of Legends World Championship, Rocket League World Championship, DreamHack, and so much more! Keep your eye on the esports forums, and be sure to follow all of your favorite pro gamers for updates from true insiders. And, of course, be sure to get involved in your local esports community and support smaller esports events by attending and participating.

gamers at the esport event

No one likes to get left out of the newest and coolest thing. And, as a gamer, you know that something new always appears on the horizon. Keeping up to date might make or break an event or release for you. No one wants to be left high and dry when crunch time comes. Don’t let that poor uninformed sap be you! In addition to everything we shared here, check out our list of our top 1o games we can’t wait to play in 2020.

a man at the big esports gaming event
ted richards

As a writer for the past 7 years, an online tutor, and a graduate student at Claremont Graduate University, Ted spends a lot of time in front of screens, and has felt for himself the negative effects of such extended exposure. Ted’s experience with digital technology has made him a crusader for the cause of blue light protection. He writes hoping to help others experience relief.

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