Gaming News, Latest Releases and Pro Tips - GUNNAR

What You Need for the Ultimate Computer Gaming Setup

If you’re looking to enhance your gaming experience, creating a home gaming setup could be the magic key. Having a well-thought-out gaming setup can significantly improve your skills and make the experience more enjoyable. Just like watching a movie in the theaters, having a professional gaming setup can make you feel more immersed in the […]

a gamer wearing gunnar valve glasses

Gaming Glasses: Everything You Need to Know

Gaming glasses are quickly becoming popular amongst casual and pro gamers alike—and for good reason: Gaming glasses are an indispensable tool in a gamer’s arsenal offering eye protection while maximizing performance.  If you’re unfamiliar with gaming glasses or have some questions about them, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll provide a […]

a gamer wearing gunnar valve glasses

Gaming Glasses For Kids: Benefits Explained

If you’ve ever seen a professional gamer in action, you probably noticed that they were wearing unique, tinted glasses. These are gaming glasses and are worn by gamers to protect their eyes and enhance their gaming experience. If your child is a video game lover, you might be wondering, “Can kids use gaming glasses, too?” […]

a gamer wearing gunnar valve glasses

Are Curved Monitors Good for Gaming?

Do you remember comparing the difference between CRT and LCD monitors? Talk about a throwback, right? Today, those shopping for a new gaming monitor are faced with a different decision: whether to buy a curved or flat monitor. If you’re wondering if investing in a curved gaming monitor is worth it, you’ve come to the […]

a gamer wearing gunnar valve glasses

E3 2021: The Excitement Is Real

E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) is one of the largest gaming conventions in the world and the premier video game industry event in the US. E3 2021 will be online only and will run from June 12 – 15. Since 1995, this is the annual event that has brought developers, publishers and press, (and more recently, […]

a gamer wearing gunnar valve glasses

The Pro Gamer’s Secret Weapon: Vision Training!

For a while now, having spent the majority of my career in video games, and the past several years working with some form of esports event, team or organization, I’ve heard this term come up time and time again: vision training. ‘Vision training’, or ‘vision therapy’ is quickly becoming a popular topic of discussion within […]

vision training for esports

Predictions for Gaming Events in 2021

With the numbers of coronavirus cases still rising daily and the uncertainty of vaccine distribution, it feels like this pandemic will never end and our lives will never get back to normal.  Only last October I was eagerly anticipating our first North America consumer show, PAX East in Boston, hoping that, against all odds, the […]

a gamer wearing gunnar valve glasses

Esports Network Podcast

GUNNAR’s own Dr. Zilnicki and Georgina Petrie recently joined Mitch Reames on the Esports Network Podcast to discuss the importance of healthy eyes when it comes to gaming and the danger of prolonged exposure to blue light. Read the transcript below for the full discussion! Listen along on Soundcloud or click the links below to […]

a gamer wearing gunnar valve glasses

Big Changes For Assassin’s Creed

Assassin’s Creed remains one of the most popular game series of all time and we are thrilled to be partnering with Ubisoft once more to bring gamers world wide the official gaming glasses for their next installment VALHALLA! Available November 17, 2020, the anxiously anticipated Assassin’s Creed Valhalla will be the 12th major installment and the […]

a gamer wearing gunnar valve glasses