What You Need for the Ultimate Computer Gaming Setup

What You Need for the Ultimate Computer Gaming Setup

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If you’re looking to enhance your gaming experience, creating a home gaming setup could be the magic key. Having a well-thought-out gaming setup can significantly improve your skills and make the experience more enjoyable. Just like watching a movie in the theaters, having a professional gaming setup can make you feel more immersed in the game you’re playing. 

If you’re looking to upgrade your gaming setup or build one from scratch, we’ve got you covered! In this guide, we’ll be sharing exactly what you need to create an optimal gaming room setup. 

What do you need for a gaming setup?

gaming setup featuring gunnar glasses

There are several basic components and accessories you should consider when creating your gaming room setup. These include: 

A Powerful Computer  

Arguably the most important element of your gaming setup is the computer itself. Your family’s seven-year-old laptop likely won’t be able to keep up with the newest games and surely won’t provide the best gaming experience. If you’re able to purchase a new computer, choose one with a powerful processor that can handle high-end games. 

Many computers come with high-quality, built-in graphics processing, however, in many cases, adding a graphics card to your PC will provide a noticeable boost in visual performance. 

An alternative to buying a new PC is building your own. With this approach, you can ensure that your system is capable of satisfying all of your personal preferences. In addition, a home-built PC keeps the door open for upgrades as your gaming needs change. 

A Monitor 

gaming setup pc
Gaming setup by RebelDustyPinky

Would you rather watch an action movie on an IMAX screen or an iPad? For that same reason, it’s essential to have a high-quality gaming monitor. Monitors designed for gaming will have fast refresh rates, improved color accuracy, and high resolution. These features lead to smooth, crisp, accurate images.

Many gamers take it one step further and opt for curved monitors. Curved gaming monitors offer benefits such as less distortion, improved immersion, better color consistency, and less eye strain

If you’re a die-hard gamer, you can also consider purchasing a second monitor, which makes it possible to multi-task while playing your favorite games. 

An Ergonomic Gaming Chair 

Don’t underestimate the power of a comfortable chair. If you’re an avid gamer, you know that it’s easy to spend several hours sitting in your chair while gaming. As such, you need to select an ergonomic chair that offers back and arch support. These features will allow blood to flow more effectively to your lower body and minimize symptoms like back and neck pain. 

A Roomy Desk 

gaming setup ideas
Gaming setup by DadGotGame

When it comes to choosing a gaming desk, you can be a little less particular. Ultimately, what matters most is the desk size and shape. Measure your space and make sure it will work well with your gaming chair. Also, choose a desk with a broad, flat surface that can comfortably fit your monitors, keyboard, mouse, and other accessories. 

A Gaming Mouse and Keyboard

A mouse and keyboard might be small, but they can make a big difference in your gaming skills and experience. A good wireless keyboard will give you zero lag while also providing all the keys you need. 

Many gamers also opt for a mouse that has special features for gaming, including optical laser sensors, functional extra buttons, and an ergonomic grip. 

A Headset 

No gaming setup is complete without a headset. A gaming headset will enhance the sound quality, allowing you to feel fully absorbed in the game. You may even consider using closed headphones, which block out all outside noise. Talk about an immersive experience! 

Blue Light Gaming Glasses 

gaming setup featuring gaming glasses
Gaming setup by DadGotGame

Have you ever noticed that professional gamers often wear glasses with yellow-tinted lenses? These are gaming glasses. They’re specially designed to block adverse effects, such as blurred vision, headaches, eye fatigue, and dry eyes, caused by prolonged staring at digital screens and corresponding exposure to artificial blue light. 

Some blue light gaming glasses also enhance your visual experience and performance while gaming. For instance, GUNNAR blue light gaming glasses include an anti-reflective coating, slight magnification, and specific design features to ensure comfort. 

Explore GUNNAR’s wide selection of blue light gaming glasses here.

Streaming Gear 

If you intend to stream your gaming sessions using platforms like Twitch or Mixer, you’ll need some additional equipment, including a high-quality microphone, a microphone suspension stand, a pop filter, and a webcam. 

How much does a gaming setup cost? 

The cost of a gaming setup varies widely depending on the quality and the features of the items. To provide you with a general idea, however, here’s a price breakdown:

  • Computer: An entry to mid-level PC costs between $300-$700 (for both pre-built and custom)
  • Monitor: You can buy a high-quality monitor for about $250-$700.
  • Chair: Most gaming chairs cost between $200-$400.
  • Desk: You can find a suitable desk for $80-$300. 
  • Mouse: A gaming mouse will run you between $30-$100. 
  • Keyboard: Expect to spend between $50-$100 for a quality gaming keyboard.
  • Headset: Set aside $50-$150 for a gaming headset.
  • Blue light glasses: Most gaming glasses cost between $50 to $130 per pair. GUNNAR gaming glasses fall in this price range and guarantee top quality, comfort, and blue light protection. 
  • Streaming gear: A microphone, microphone suspension stand, pop filter, and webcam will cost between $200-$400. 

How can I make my gaming setup look nice? 

While the above components make up the core game room essentials, you might be wondering how to enhance your setup’s overall appearance. Here are some tips for adding some flair to your gaming setup: 

  • LED Strip Lights: LED lights allow you to enhance your entire setup with your favorite colors. You can attach LED strips to your gaming desk, stick them to the back of your gaming monitor, or attach them to the walls to brighten up the room.
  • Add Plants & Posters: Accessorizing your gaming room with some greenery and posters is a quick and easy way to add character to your space.  
  • Use Animated Wallpapers: Also called live wallpapers, animated wallpapers add a cool-looking, modern appearance to your monitor. There are endless animated wallpapers available online.  
  • Hide Cables: Having tons of visible cables can make your setup look messy. Cable management can be tricky, but it’s worth the time and effort. Anyone can effectively hide their cables with zip ties, cable sleeves, and cable channels.

The bottom line 

The gaming setup is the heart of any gaming room. By following the guidelines in this article, you’ll be well on your way to creating a unique gaming space that makes you feel good, enhances your skills, and impresses your friends. 

a gamer wearing gunnar valve glasses
terry albea gunnar

Terry is a Customer Experience Associate at GUNNAR. With 3 years of participation as a Comic-Con Professional Staff Volunteer under the Experience Design Team, and 14 years of involvement as a Daily Volunteer, he is an endless wealth of popular culture facts and an avid gamer in his spare time. His previous professional background includes Assistant Administration and Academic Transition Counseling at the University of California, San Diego where he holds a BA in Ethnic Studies.

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